
예수께서 이르시되 어린 아이들을 용납하고
내게 오는 것을 금하지 말라 천국이 이런 사람의 것이니라
[마태복음 19:14]
유아부 (30 MONTH - 4 YRS)

With the support of the church, teachers and parents, help children joyfully live life in the image of Jesus Children are gift from the Lord.They are a reward from him.
Psalms 127:3
나이: 30 month – 4 yrs
예배시간 :
주일 9:30 AM / 11:15 AM
수요일 7:30 PM

키즈1 (1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD GRADE.)

Kidz1 is Church Everyday’s lower elementary’s ministry serving students of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade. The purpose of Kidz 1 is to know who Jesus is and that salvation comes only from believing in Jesus Christ. We hope that students will be able to learn that bible is all about Jesus who is our rescuer from sin and death. We also pray that our students will have firm faith that they can be saved only through believing in Jesus Christ who died for our sins on the cross and who also defeated death on the 3rd day. In addition, we want to work together with parents to help our students to become more and more like Jesus each day.
나이: 1st - 3rd Grade
예배시간 :
주일 9:30 AM / 11:15 AM

키즈2 (4TH - 6TH GRADE.)

Kidz2 is Church Everyday’s upper elementary’s ministry serving students of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. The purpose of Kidz 2 is to develop young men and women that are taking ownership of their relationship with God and are passionate about living a life in light of the Gospel. We hope that students will be able to freely express their faith from biblically grounded evidence. Finally we hope that the students will be able to establish loving relationships with their brothers, sisters, teachers, TAs, and pastors.
나이: 4th - 6th Grade
예배시간 :
주일 9:30 AM / 11:15 AM